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O-RAN ALLIANCE (O-RAN) recognizes the value of a Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) process in improving the security of its specification and open source code based on O-RAN specifications.
O-RAN provides a place for individuals or organizations to responsibly disclose a vulnerability that they have found in O-RAN specifications or in O-RAN open source code based on O-RAN specifications.
The O-RAN CVD Process is described on this page, from the moment of reporting to the resolution of the vulnerability, where O-RAN works with its members to develop fixes.
All reports are examined thoroughly, and the “Public Recognition” acknowledges those Finders who submitted validated vulnerabilities to O-RAN's CVD Process and opted-in to public recognition.
Disclosures to O-RAN's CVD Process must focus on O-RAN specifications or open source code based on O-RAN specifications, not vendor-specific implementations.




When submitting a vulnerability report, the Finder (individual or organization who has found a potential vulnerability) commits to:


O-RAN will:

This submission form allows reporting vulnerabilities found in O-RAN specifications or open source code based on O-RAN specifications. By filing a vulnerability report you agree to O-RAN CVD Legal Notice.
Please provide as precise information as possible to allow proper vulnerability review and subsequent actions.
Mandatory fields are marked with *.

O-RANALLIANCE thanks to researchers and enthusiasts who discover vulnerabilities in O-RAN specifications or O-RAN Software Community open source code, and cooperate on addressing those.