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Upcoming Events

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but you may re-play some of our past events below

Past Events

O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit - Expanding O-RAN Adoption and Future Outlook

This O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit at MWC will provide a comprehensive update on the state of O-RAN, sharing insights on operational experience, regional views on open RAN initiatives, and applications in key industry verticals. The Summit will also explore the future evolution of 3GPP and O-RAN ALLIANCE architectures towards 6G.

On March 4, 2025, 8:30-13:00 in MWC Barcelona Hall 8, Theatre 6, with online broadcast.

Join us for this event underscoring O-RAN ALLIANCE’s ongoing efforts to foster collaboration and innovation in the global RAN industry ecosystem.

Learn more here.

8th O-RAN 6G Workshop: Reflection on the Eve of 6G

The O-RAN ALLIANCE’s Next Generation Research Group (nGRG) plans to hold its eighth nGRG workshop on February 27, 2025.

The workshop will focus on future 6G standardization from different perspectives, with discussions led by distinguished experts from research institutions and representatives of the RAN industry.

The workshop is scheduled for February 27, 2025, 8:30am - 6:00pm CET, and will be webcast as online webinar.

Interested public is free to attend.

O-RAN ALLIANCE F2F Meetings, 24-28 February 2025, Paris

The RAN industry ecosystem came together at the O-RAN F2F Meetings in Paris from February 24-28, 2025! This vibrant gathering brought together the RAN industry’s most influential players, including operators, contributors, companies, research and academic institutions, and government agencies. Together, participants drove the progress of O-RAN initiatives and helped shape the future of open and intelligent RAN solutions.

The O-RAN ALLIANCE sponsors regular F2F Meetings three times per year. Participation is open to all O-RAN Members and Participants (O-RAN ALLIANCE membership is required). This event provides a valuable opportunity to connect, collaborate, and innovate through impactful discussions, specification development, and networking.

O-RAN ALLIANCE will participate at the upcoming GISC 2024, in Seoul/South Korea.

7th O-RAN 6G Workshop: Countdown to 6G Standardization – Views from Industry and Research Communities

The O-RAN ALLIANCE’s Next Generation Research Group (nGRG) plans to hold its seventh nGRG workshop on October 31, 2024.

The workshop will focus on future 6G standardization from different perspectives, with discussions led by distinguished experts from research institutions and representatives of the RAN industry.

The workshop is scheduled for October 31, 2024, 8:30am - 6:00pm EST, and will be webcast live.

Interested public is free to attend.

F2F Meetings, October 2024 in Montreal

Recent O-RAN ALLIANCE F2F Meetings took place on 28 October – 1 November 2024 in Montreal.

2024 Open RAN Summit @Taipei - Building the Future of Connectivity with Open RAN and Open Source

The 2024 Open RAN Summit in Taipei, supported by O-RAN ALLIANCE, is scheduled to be held at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) from June 17th to June 18th, 2024.

This summit embodies the collaborative efforts of ITRI, NTUST, EURECOM, SUTD, TEEMA, and NYCU. International O-RAN experts, esteemed research institutions, and leading vendors will offer insightful perspectives on topics including nGRG, 6G, OSC, OAI, and AI. Additionally, Telecom Operators will share their experiences regarding O-RAN system verification and deployment. With 18 booths showcasing a diverse array of O-RAN system products from both domestic and international companies and institutions, the summit promises many opportunities for international collaboration and exchange.

Learn more and register at

6th O-RAN 6G Workshop: The Road to 6G Standards: Views from Industry and Academia

Join us for the 6th O-RAN 6G workshop, scheduled on June 13, 2024, in Incheon, Korea, or online.
The workshop, spanning an entire day, will cover a broad spectrum of pivotal 6G subjects, including 6Gdiscussions in 3GPP and O-RAN, RAN intelligence towards 6G standards, O-RAN and silicon technologies, AI and digital twin for 6G evolution, service-based RAN architecture, active learning in wireless networks, semantics-native communications, the latest updates from the European 6G flagship project Hexa-X-II, AI-driven telco infrastructure, and more.
This event will feature 18 distinguished speakers and panellists. We are honored to host three keynote speeches by Dr. Alex Choi, Chairman of the O-RAN ALLIANCE; Prof. Ted Rappaport; and Mr. Rajesh Kumar Pathak, Director General of the Bharat 6G Alliance in India. We are also pleased to announce the participation of the 3GPP SA, RAN, and CT plenary chairs, who will contribute to an engaging and insightful dialogue.

Join us for a day rich in 6G insights and advancements!

Admission to the workshop is free.

F2F Meetings, June 2024 in Incheon

Recent O-RAN ALLIANCE F2F Meetings took place on 10th – 14th June 2024 in Incheon (South Korea).

O-RAN Software Community Workshop at ONE SUMMIT 2024

Join the O-RAN Software Community workshop at the ONE Summit 2024, focusing on building open source reference designs.

Monday, April 29, 2024, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM in San Jose McEnery Convention Center.

O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit - Accelerating Open RAN Adoption

The O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit of MWC Barcelona 2024 took place on Wednesday February 28, 2024, between 9-13h CET in MWC Hall 8.

O-RAN nGRG 6G Workshop: Architecture Evolution, Digital Twin, and Convergence of Communications and Computing in 6G Era

O-RAN nGRG 6G workshop is scheduled on February 22nd, 2024, in Athens, Greece. This full-day workshop will focus on Architecture Evolution, Digital Twin, and Convergence of Communications and Computing in 6G Era

F2F Meetings, February 2024 in Athens

The O-RAN ALLIANCE F2F Meetings took place on 19th – 23rd February 2024 in Athens.

Joint O-RAN Software Community (OSC)/O-RAN ALLIANCE Open Source Focus Group (OSFG) and OpenAirInterface (OAI) Workshop

The Joint OSC/OSFG-OAI Workshop: End-to-End Reference Designs for O-RAN, was held in partnership with the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things and the Open6G Center at Northeastern University in Boston on November 14th and 15th, 2023.

PDFs and video recordings are available for on-demand view.

4th O-RAN nGRG 6G Workshop: Embracing AI towards 6G RAN

The 4th O-RAN nGRG 6G workshop is scheduled on October 19th, 2023, in Phoenix, Arizona. This full-day workshop will focus on AI for 6G and O-RAN and will feature 15+ prominent speakers from academia and industry, sharing their fresh views on recent 6G development.

Open RAN Technical Summit at SCTE Cable-Tec Expo ’23

The SCTE Cable-Tec Expo ’23 exhibition will feature a dedicated Open RAN Technical Summit on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.

O-RAN ALLIANCE is supporting the summit and welcomes visitors to join.

Learn more and register here.

F2F Meetings, October 2023 in Phoenix

The O-RAN ALLIANCE F2F Meetings took place on 16th – 20th October 2023 in Phoenix.

O-RAN ALLIANCE at MWC Las Vegas, September 26-28, 2023

Join sessions with O-RAN ALLIANCE speakers at MWC Las Vegas 2023:

  • DOES OPEN RAN HAVE TO BE FULLY INTEROPERABLE? on Sep. 27, 2023, 11:30-11:50am PDT - a debate featuring Luke Ibbetson, Group Head of R&D, Vodafone
  • THE THREE 'S'S OF OPEN RAN: SECURITY, SUSTAINABILITY & STANDARDS on Sep. 27, 2023, 1:30-2:30pm PDT - a speech by Brian Daly, A&T Fellow & Assistant Vice President, AT&T Services

Visit O-RAN demos presented at MWC Las Vegas 2023 or the O-RAN Virtual Exhibition.

Sparring Partners by Sensa Fili: Open RAN - The path to 6G

Watch a conversation with Ravi Sinha, Co-Chair of the O-RAN ALLIANCE's Next Generation Research Group (nGRG) and Monica Paolini at Senza Fili.

A 60min. talk scheduled on September 21, 2023 | 7 am PDT | 10 am EDT | 3 pm BST | 4 pm CEST

1st Global OTIC Summit, 23 – 24 August 2023

O-RAN ALLIANCE is partnering with Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) on the 1st Global OTIC Summit, 23 – 24 August 2023 in Singapore. The event aims to strengthen collaborations and synergies among the Open Testing and Integration Centres (OTIC) globally.

The event will comprise:

  • Multiple OTIC Hosts Gathering - for the first time, with an incredible opportunity to meet with multiple OTIC hosts in one single venue in Singapore
  • Knowledge Sharing and Roundtables - OTIC hosts and industry leaders share the vision, plans challenges encountered, best practices, solutions and recommendations
  • Foster Collaboration - With our common goal and vision; we work together to accelerate innovation and adoption of O-RAN solutions

Register and find out more here

O-RAN ALLIANCE's Alex Choi on Open RAN testing and RIC developments, TelecomTV Open RAN Summit June 2023

Alex Jinsung Choi, chairman of the O-RAN ALLIANCE and senior VP of group technology at Deutsche Telekom, provides an update on the latest Open RAN plugfest, outlines the broad potential of the RAN intelligent controller (RIC) – including in existing mobile networks – and discusses the potential use of generative AI tools by mobile network operators.

Interview with Chih-Lin I at MWC Barcelona 2023

At MWC Barcelona 2023, Chih-Lin I, Co-chair of O-RAN Technical Steering Committee, spoke with TelecomTV about insights to O-RAN technical groups, the role of Open Testing and Integration Centres (OTIC), and how they contribute to the mission of open and intelligent RAN.

Interview with Alex Jinsung Choi at MWC Barcelona 2023

At MWC Barcelona 2023, Alex Jinsung Choi, O-RAN ALLIANCE's chairman, spoke with TelecomTV about achievements in past four years, how O-RAN ALLIANCE helps accelerating operator engagement with the Open RAN ecosystem, prospects for Open RAN in the large enterprise sector, and future directions of the alliance.

O-RAN ALLIANCE Ecosystem Briefing, February 28, 2023 at MWC Barcelona

O-RAN ALLIANCE held an industry event at MWC Barcelona 2023. Watch the recording (60') for updates from O-RAN ALLIANCE's leadership and for two panel discussions, featuring major operators and vendors from the RAN industry.

Open RAN Summit @ Fyuz, Madrid, 25-26 October 2022

Open RAN Summit @ Fyuz, powered by the O-RAN ALLIANCE and Telecom Infra Project, took place in Madrid on October 25-26, 2022.

Designed to bring together stakeholders from across the ecosystem, the Open RAN Summit at Fyuz delivered the latest from the industry on its way towards more disaggregated, intelligent, open, and fully interoperable mobile networks. All of that, served in a unique experience combining technology with gastronomy to stir your imagination.

Find out more here

O-RAN ALLIANCE Industry Summit June 2022

The O-RAN ALLIANCE Industry Summit June 2022 will provide an update on the latest progress of the O-RAN ecosystem, featuring the O-RAN ALLIANCE leadership and some of the key industry players.Specific focus will be on where we are on the way towards large-scale commercialization of the O-RAN solutions, especially in the field of RAN openness, intelligence, cloudification, and testing and integration.

O-RAN ALLIANCE Industry Briefing, March 1, 2022

The O-RAN ALLIANCE Industry Briefing, March 1, 2022 at MWC Barcelona (the Deutsche Telekom Stage) featured:
- Keynote from Andre Fuetsch, Chairman of the O-RAN ALLIANCE and Executive Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, AT&T Services, Inc.
- Panel discussion on O-RAN Radio Intelligent Controllers / SMO, and on O-RAN security with Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Orange and Qualcomm Technologies

O-RAN ALLIANCE Industry Summit, June 29, 2021

  • The O-RAN ALLIANCE Industry Summit on June 29, 2021 provided the latest update on O-RAN progress and achievements.
  • During a live panel discussion speakers from AirHop Communications, AT&T, Deutsche Telekom, Facebook, Mavenir, Nokia, Rakuten Mobile, TIM, VIAVI and VMware, shared their views on key topics including:
  • Open RAN Commercialization, Open RAN Security, Open RAN Performance. The panel also answered live Q&A from the audience.

O-RAN Open Summit, February 25, 2021

  • The O-RAN Open Summit has finished, but you can watch the event from our archive.