
Joint O-RAN Software Community (OSC)/O-RAN ALLIANCE Open Source Focus Group (OSFG) and OpenAirInterface (OAI) Workshop

Joint O-RAN Software Community (OSC)/O-RAN ALLIANCE Open Source Focus Group (OSFG) and OpenAirInterface (OAI) Workshop

Dear O-RAN OSC Community and OSFG Members,

The Joint OSC/OSFG-OAI Workshop: End-to-End Reference Designs for O-RAN was held in partnership with the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things and the Open6G Center at Northeastern University in Boston on November 14th and 15th, 2023. This was an F2F event.

The O-RAN Software Community (OSC) and the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OSA) have recently started collaborating, with the strong support of the O-RAN Open Source Focus Group (OSFG), to roll out end-to-end showcases of the O-RAN architecture, based on open source components developed by the two communities. The workshop demonstrated recent work in this direction.

The event also provided an opportunity to reflect on strengthening this collaboration, making code easily shareable between the two communities, and establishing a methodology for maintaining continuously integrated, delivered, and tested O-RAN reference designs.

PDFs and video recordings are available for on-demand view at the event website.

Both OSC and OAI software communities strive to develop open software for RAN and O&M and welcome contributions from all interested parties. Please feel free to reach out to discuss potential ways to contribute. Visit us at for OSC and for OAI.