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Open Testing & Integration Centres (OTIC)

European OTIC in Madrid

General information

European OTIC in Madrid

Correspondence address

OTIC, Distrito Telefonica, Sur-3, pl. 0

Ronda de la Comunicación s/n

28050 Madrid


OTIC web site

Website not available


OTIC E-mail address:

Name: Luis Miguel, Contreras Murillo

Phone: +34 680 947 650

Responsibilities / duties: EOMA coordinator

OTIC host(s)

Telefonica S.A.

OTIC Introduction

The European OTIC in Madrid is hosted by Telefonica, member of the O-RAN Alliance, and global operator present in Europe and Latin America. The European OTIC in Madrid intends to serve as testing premises to ensure rapid development and market readiness of O-RAN based solutions. It will primarily focus on Transport equipment (Xhaul testing), to assess the feasibility of deployment scenarios based on different technologies and topologies. This OTIC will contribute to the commitment of Telefonica on open solutions, as key driver of the industry in the forthcoming years. The activities and focus areas are coordinated with other European OTICs to be complementary among them and offer wide range of services to partners and clients in Europe.

Supported services

Primarily, the European OTIC in Madrid focuses on testing of transport networks under realistic conditions in terms of deployment scenarios and topologies, providing an environment able to emulate field scenarios (e.g., availability of long fiber distances), driven by the experience of Telefonica in the roll-out of transport networks in different situations in its operational companies.  The lab can be used to perform system and interoperability testing, including multi-layer, multi-technology and multi-vendor scenarios. The tests can cover both functional and performance testing.

O-RAN certificates and badges that can be awarded by OTIC

OTIC currently does not support or award any O-RAN Certificate/Badge


Please contact the OTIC for details