European OTIC in Torino
Via G. Reiss Romoli n. 274
Name: Marco Caretti
Phone: +393316001091
Responsibilities / duties: OTIC reference contact person
Telecom Italia S.p.A.
The European OTIC in Torino is hosted by TIM, the main fixed and mobile operator in Italy, with subsidiary company also in Brazil. OTIC lab is hosted in TIM laboratories where equipment and services are tested before commercial deployment. Lab activities are dedicated also to UE testing. Several Anechoic Chambers are available for OTA testing and in field outdoor measurements are also made possible. Concerning the security aspects TIM facilities include the Security Lab that can perform features verification, functional and performance security tests, with the starting focus on End2End testing. The activities are coordinated with other European OTICs.
OTIC lab in TIM can provide services for interoperability and End2End testing (including security aspects). Both connected and OTA testing are possible thanks to the presence of anechoic chambers for both FR1 and FR2 (690 MHz – 170 GHz range) and accurate antenna measurements are supported. The presence in the lab of other legacy radio systems opens up the possibility also to perform interworking with these systems. Outdoor testing is available, making possible to perform extensive testing of network solutions in a real propagation environment. The OTIC lab is available also for Plugfest event for both in lab and field testing.
OTIC currently does not support or award any O-RAN Certificate/Badge