
Open Testing & Integration Centres (OTIC)

North American OTIC in Washington DC/Arlington VA (Virginia Tech)

General information

North American OTIC in Washington DC/Arlington VA (Virginia Tech)

Correspondence address

Virginia Tech Research Center CCI

900 North Glebe Road, 3rd Floor


VA 22203


OTIC web site


OTIC E-mail address:

Name: Aloizio Da Silva

Phone: +1-571-858-3259

Responsibilities / duties: Testbed Director and Research Faculty

OTIC host(s)

Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University

OTIC Introduction

The OTIC in Washington DC Metro area features cloud-native, open-source and commercial components. Indoor and outdoor infrastructure for experimentation, testing, and evaluation. Users can conduct either remote (via VPN and SSH) or in-person activities.

  • CCI xG Testbed:
    • In-the-field, three-rooftop locations, CBRS PAL and FCC licenses. (Blacksburg VA)
    • In-lab, SDR-based Radio-Grid network 72 USRPs (X30, N310, B210, X410 and B205). ( VT Research Center in DC).
  • CORNET/CCI SWVA 5G+ testbed supports research on 5G, future wireless technologies. (Blacksburg VA)
  • CCI Old Dominion University (ODU) Lab: supports wireless and cybersecurity research indoor and outdoor Ericsson 5G systems. (Coastal VA)

Supported services

The OTIC offers an E2E O-RAN closed-loop platform for conformance, performance, security and interoperability testing with physical and remote access. It features in-lab and in-the-field components from Keysight and Rohde & Schwarz (Figures 6-9). Managed by a team of experts in wireless communication and AI/ML. The infrastructure integrates commercial hardware and software with advanced experimental facilities, with commercial CBRS PAL spectrum and FCC experimental license for over-the-air testing/evaluation. Operating under open-source principles, the xG Testbed provides a unique ecosystem for E2E testing and automation, serving as a sandbox for government, industry, and academia to drive O-RAN R&D and innovation.

O-RAN certificates and badges that can be awarded by OTIC

OTIC currently does not support or award any O-RAN Certificate/Badge


Please contact the OTIC for details